3/4 portrait

3-4 tutorial


Portraits are hard … not only do you have to be anatomically correct but you further have to achieve a likeness. When I jury a portrait in an art show I have no idea if the likeness was good. I can only judge by if the portrait is anatomically correct and how well it is rendered.

The first thing I look for, in a 3/4 portrait, is to see if the tear duct on the far eye is covered up by the bridge of the nose. As always in anatomy there are exceptions but most always that far tear duct is not seen because of the nose, eye tab or even nose fat as with children. There is a tendency to draw in the far tear duct just because we know it is there.

My tip is to always, at least slightly, cover the tear duct to help keep the 3/4 face turned at 3/4. Also lock in the facial plains and establish a line along the temporal ridge across the cheek bone and down to the jaw. This will help keep the face turned at 3/4.

Big Thanx to Susan Secord Perrish for allowing me to use her beautiful conte sketch

One comment

  • tom de grave /

    Hell-o. That’s actually my granddaughter in Sue’s painting here. Sue and Bob are old friends of ours. We stopped at the Livonia Library just now and saw the beautiful paintings and sculptures. My wife really loved your wall sculpture and I think it was called Walking Maiden. I’d like to purchase it if I read the price correctly and if it is still available.

    If you would e-mail me back and let me know. The business fellow running was great too.

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