
For some reason I tend to compare the cost of most every purchase to the cost of a tool. If my wife, Sandy, talks me into a new set of curtains and a bed spread, I may be smiling and saying,”yes of course”, but I am really thinking ,”Yikes! … that is the cost of that brand new band saw I have been wanting“.

A good set of “quality” watercolor pencils is about the cost of a good set of wood chisels and just as universally needed. Now, the key word in the aforementioned “quality watercolor pencils” is the word “quality”. But, listen … some cheap economy set of watercolor pencils that you might find in that “mystery” section at the grocery store (you know the one … it has everything from watercolors to Kris Kringle boxer shorts). These types of economy watercolor pencils are hard and waxy and in no way offer the colorful experience that a quality set of watercolor pencils afford.


Derwent Watercolor Pencils have been, hands down, my choice over the years as the best quality watercolor pencil set, and should be considered as one of your “power” tools in your toolbox. While they look like any other colored pencil, don’t be fooled … they are not. The colors are rich, intense and silky smooth. You can, in fact, use them on paper or board as you would any colored pencil. But, don’t be surprised when, at that moment your damp or wet brush makes contact with your artwork, you whisper “AWE-SOME!” Every scribbled line or shade will explode into rich fluid color. Reds burst into rich REDS, yellows into vibrant YELLOWS, and blues into all manner of BLUE, as the water in your brush liquifies the pigments and allows the color to flow deep into the tooth of your paper or board. Any lesser-quality watercolor pencils pales in comparison to this Derwent watercolor experience. The lines and shades you use with most other watercolor pencils, when moistened, will likely just get wet, soften a little, and bleed only slightly. Not so with Derwent. Derwent watercolor pencils wash so completely that you can use them for under painting and achieving wet-in-wet effects. You can also produce a “long wash”, which is what I refer to as the ability to move from 100% color perfectly graduated to 0% color over a distance.


For an interesting and bold effect, use the pencils on wet or damp paper or board. The lines will instantly melt into the wet surface and soften as you draw. This is a bolder approach to painting as each stroke of the pencil becomes a rich, strong and, hopefully, a confident stroke. russian copy

I once did a quick head study from a picture of a Russian girl that I found in a magazine. I was getting nervous as I noticed it was turning out pretty good and I hoped I could remain confident with my bold finishing strokes. If you are like most artists, you probably prefer a little slower and more tentative approach to your art. Many artists like to simply touch a wet brush to the point of the pencil, pick up some color and use only the brush as they begin their work of art. This technique is also a nice delicate touch when you are putting on the finishing touches, but are a bit hesitant to place pencil to paper.


Imagine you are leaving on vacation and you have, as usual, packed way too much stuff in your now bulging suitcase. It is precisely at this moment that you realize you forgot to pack your art supplies. A beautiful full-set of Derwent watercolor pencils and a pad of watercolor paper is about the thickness and size of two magazines, and can fit easily in your overstuffed suitcase. As a compliment to your Derwent watercolor pencils, I whole heartily recommend the Sakura Koi Watercolor Brush. Whether at home, on location, or on vacation, these brushes are so handy as they have a reservoir built into the handle that holds .03 ounces of water. The water flows through the brush and is THE perfect accessory to watercolor pencils. Need to rinse a color from the brush? Just slightly squeeze the handle, and swish your brush tip across a paper towel; your brush will be instantly clean. These wonderful brushes come in three sizes and are all under $5.00/piece, and fit anywhere, including an overstuffed suitcase.

Compared to the cost of any tool I might have or want, a set of Derwent watercolor pencils and a couple Sakura Koi Watercolor Brushes are a very good buy.

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